Page 3 - Carey Services 2022 Annual Report
P. 3

WHAT A RIDE - All Aboard  Join Our Journey  AT CAREY SERVICES

 The Board of Directors at Carey   Plan.  The new plan is leading us   Are you willing to join us in a great   I hope you will entertain me for a   thinking about your journey is that your
 Services is a committed group of   on a new expedition, with a new   new journey to see success for   moment as I invite you to boldly go on a   journey, well, is your journey, and your journey
 community volunteers that have a   plan that was rolled out in mid-  prenatal mothers and children birth   journey with Carey Services into what   alone. What do I mean? Your journey was your
 passion for the mission, vision, and   2022. The Board supported staff as   to age three in our Early Head Start   we plan to be a bold and awesome future.   own “person-centered” experience.
 values of Carey Services. I have seen,  some of the new ways of delivering   programming, and people of all ages   There are plenty of opportunities for you
 first-hand, the journeys traveled by   services required innovative and   and abilities under the direction of   to help!  Here is what I know, and what we experience
 those that are impacted at Carey   transformative approaches, and in   our disability services division?    every day with the people we positively impact
 Services. I have watched Carey   some ways, tough (but good) calls   If so, please take a moment    But first, I would like you to take a   at Carey Services. Everyone’s journey and
 Services advocate in big ways for   that needed to be made.  to contact Jim Allbaugh,    moment to think about a journey you   needs are different. Everyone we serve is
 people of need in this community,   The Board at Carey Services   President/CEO for Carey Services   have taken. That journey can be of many   pursuing the same kinds of journeys (dreams,
 and I have seen the smiling faces of   operates with a model that   at 765.668.8961 extension 102    different varieties. Maybe it is an out-  desires, experiences, etc.) that everyone else
 people served at Carey Services by   acknowledges successful journeys   or at    of-town vacation, a business trip, or a   is pursuing. Each person we impact has unique
 the passionate caregivers supporting   do not happen in a bubble. Those   Jim can help you navigate   weekend getaway. Maybe the journey   needs, but our passionate people providing
 those on their journey. It is humbling   that have successful journeys almost   opportunities if your interest   you are thinking about is more of a   extraordinary care at Carey Services use
 to think that, on the journeys that   always depend on others along the   is in volunteering to serve on   “life’s journey,” whether or not that   Above Photo: Jim Allbaugh   a unique, person-centered plan, or path, to
 Carey Services navigates, the Board   way to guide, support, encourage, and  our Board of Directors, provide   was seeking a certain educational   (right in photo) was awarded   help those we serve pave their way
 of Directors gets to play a key part   partner for that success. As the Board  financial assistance, or create a new   achievement, seeking a career   the 2022 James M. Hammond,   to success.
                                                  III Executive Leadership
 in helping point the way.  We get to   Chair, and on behalf of the Carey   partnership.  A partnership with   pathway for your life, a journey that   Award from the Indiana   Our journey during the last year was an
 open pathways when staff and people   Services Board of Directors, I am   Carey Services will lead to a journey   involved overcoming a life challenge,   Association of Rehabilitation   exciting journey, to say the least. The
 served have needs and then help drive   for you that   chasing a new hobby, or even pursuing   Facilities, Inc. (INARF). The   “Carey Services Journey” was unique as
 the vision for where Carey Services   I SAY, “ALL ABOARD”    is bold and   a journey in a relationship with   award recognizes outstanding   we embarked on enhanced compensation
 will travel in the future.  FOR MORE SUCCESS    exciting and   someone special to you. Hopefully,   entrepreneurial spirit, political   strategies for our employees, new and
                                                acumen, ethical demeanor and
 This last year, the Board traveled   AT CAREY SERVICES.   no doubt   you have that journey in mind.  professional posture to the   improved facility and program approaches
 alongside those that lead the   Sincerely, John Jones,    rewarding as   Now, think about how that journey   further the interests of their   to enhance the “journey experience” for
 journeys, the leadership at Carey   you create   took shape. What planning went into   organization and those of their   the people we serve, and stronger and new
 Services, to vision really cool   Carey Services    a positive   making sure you were prepared for   colleagues across the state.   partnerships with community members and
 opportunities for the future for the   Board Chairperson  impact on the   your journey? What help did you need   Allbaugh is pictured above   businesses to bring more people along for
                                                 with Jim Hammond, Former
 people impacted and employed at   communities   from others along the way to make   President/CEO of INARF, Inc.  the journey.
 Carey Services. The Board was   thankful for the partnerships that   we serve.   sure the journey would be completed?
 engaged in the voyage we took with   helped us find success in our journeys   How, where, or when did your journey   Where are we headed on our journey, you
 staff to embark on a new Strategic   this past year, and I am thankful for   begin? What challenges did you face on the journey?   might ask? Our team at Carey Services is working on a
 Planning exercise to build on the   the new partnerships developing for   What skills did you develop that you can think about now   bold vision for transformation for people of all abilities,
 success of our previous Strategic   future journeys to come.   and for the community! We are hoping you will join us
        because of the journey you endured? How is your life
        changed because of that journey? Specifically, how did   for the journey to come.
        the journey end (unless your journey continues)?        Please contact me at 765.668.8961 extension 102
 Donor Impact
 Donor Impact  There is no one that can begin to know exactly what   or at to see
                                                                how you can be part of an awesome
        your journey looks like, from your perspective. It was
        your experience. What I imagine as I picture you        journey at Carey Services!
 Carey Services was awarded a
 $115,000 Lowe’s Hometowns Grant to create an outdoor   FINANCIAL REPORT:
 recreation space in the Carey Services’ Supported Living area
                            REVENUE:                               EXPENSE:
 of the Marion campus for individuals served, their families, staff
 and the community to engage in social and physical activities.                   Administrative:
        Service Revenue:                                                            965,152
 This project converted an unlevel grass area into an accessible
 outdoor recreation space with a paved walking path, sports court,   TOTAL:   TOTAL:
 picnic tables and raised community garden beds.  13,506,157  Other:   12,271,623     11,306,471
                                                                                                                                C C A R E Y
         Public Support:                      (319,382)                                                                         SERVICES
           5,397,486                         negative due
                                            to investments
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